Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Final Reflection
Day 2: Koch's Curve and Outside Life
We did a design with Mr. Miller first by drawing the shape on the paper. Then, Mr. Roberts instructed us how to do the curve drawing on the computer. The shapes form into triangles and squares. The pattern reiterates and it got complex.
This picture is the one I took yesterday outside of the Life Academy building. Even though the shape around each other are simple, but it also gives out a complex pattern from opposite sides. It goes in one direction and then it starts to go complex.
Day 1: Lake Merritt
I took a picture of the Cathedral by Lake Merritt. The shape of the buiding is iterating because the shapes repeat themselves. Also, the outside of the building has a but of an oval shape. The trees by the Cathedral are complex. The light from the sun bounces off the leaves to give them a radiant look.
This plant has a great look to it. It has multiple colors of green, yellow, orange to red. There seems to be a complex look to this plant. Also, there is shading on the right upper side of this plant.
This is a picture of algae on Lake Merritt. The rock in the middle seems to give this a random look to the algae. It just sits there out of nowhere. The shape of the algae is complex as there are different patterns.
This is a picture of a small palm tree. In the middle, there is a lot of light due the sun shining directly down. On the side of the tree, this is less light, and more darkness appears in the background and the tree covers light from shining. The shapes are complex due the different patterns going in all directions.
Day 10: Mountain View Cemetary
I pick this picture because I like the optical illusion look of the floor tile. The tiles gives the floor a unique look by making it look like it's curving in a pattern. This was taken inside the Chapel of the Chimes.
I pick this picture because this water fountain looks very beautiful. There is self similarity as it is smaller on the top from the bottom. On the side, you see some rectangular shapes.
I pick this because the sculpture has a beautiful look to it. There is self similarity in the middle due to the shape. It's big, but small as well as there is self similarity as it goes into smaller shapes.
Day 9: Golden Gate Park
I pick this picture because the patterns on the rock like very interesting. This was taken at the park in San Francisco. There are patterns of triangles, oval shape and a curve on the sand. The patterns iterates and there is self similarity as they repeat onto the sand.
I pick this picture because I like the shape of the sand. I took this picture near Ocean Beach in San Francisco. The lines on the sand go down in order, but they cross at the same time. They have self similarity as the line pattern keep repeating itself on the sand.
I pick this picture because I like the look of these flowers. On the bottom left corner, you see a sort of rectangular shape. The pattern iterates as it continues to repeat the same process.
Day 8: Joaquin Miller Park
I pick this because I like the way the water splash on the rock with the sunlight glistening on the rocks. In the middle, it looks like a triangle that is cut in half. The same pattern iterates itself.
I pick this because it gave sort of an optical illusion. Actually, the waterfall was facing downhill not uphill. I took this picture by facing down on the waterfall.
I pick this picture because I was amazed with the look of the Bay Area looking down from Joaquin Miller Park. On the grass, you see sort of a rectangular shape. Also, looking across the Bay, you see another rectangular shape cut in half.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Day 7: Patterns in Milk and Cellular Automata
I took this picture and made it into the year of the graduating class of 2010. Then, the aftermath came out into two circles.

We used simple shapes, except for the hexagon like design which made it more complex. There are regular shapes. It looks similar to the game when we rolled the dice.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Day 6: San Francisco and Fountans
I pick this picture because it shows that water goes into different directions.
Also, shows that the shapes iterate over again. On the outside, the shape is rectangle which gives the structure a complex form. Inside, the shape is square which makes it look simple.
I pick this picture because the shapes are complex. The shapes iterates in different. The design is irregular which is something that you rarely see. Also, there are shapes of triangles.
I pick this because of the unique complex form. It has a pattern that iterates. There are some forms of rectangle shapes and some triangles shapes in the gray areas. If you move forward, the circle area seems to move a bit.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Day 5: Merritt College and Mandlebrot Set

The purpose of this picture was to show that we were using math and to show how different shapes form. There are various ways to make different shapes. This is the beetle puzzle pic in class.
I took this picture at Merritt College. This plant looks upside down because we took it from underneath. It shows different lines and how they start connecting together in separate branches. It's self similarity because the plant is small even though it's one big plant.
I took this picture at Merrritt College. It has self similarity because the plant gets smaller in each other section. It iterates over and over and connects to self similarity by being both in one shape.
Day 4: Martin Luther King Jr. Shoreline Regional Park
I pick this picture because it shows the color of the bird. It looks dark due to the limited amount of sunlight and hidden behind the grass. What was complex about the picture was trying to take it before it moved.
I pick this picture because it's really cool. The little rocks shows different colors in the water. I also like the reflection on the water.
I pick this picture because the structure is complex and shaped like a cone. It iterates at the bottom on the ground. On one side, it shows a dark brown from being shaded from the sun. While on the side facing the sun the structure has a lighter brown color. It has self similarity because they are both shaped the same form, but different in size.
Day 3: Sierpinski Triangle and Oakland Museum

I pick this picture that I took from the Oakland Estuary. The shapes of this plant is both complex and simple. First it starts off looking straight, but then the shapes cross each other. The shapes iterates themselves.
I picked this picture because it shows simple shapes first, but then it goes more complex. I took this picture at the Oakland Estuary. The shape is form like a diamond.
I pick this picture because it shows multiple shapes inside the circle. This was taken at the Oakland Museum. The form was in simple shapes. The complex form was the outside of the structure.